Sunday, 28 April 2013

Ethiopians Need Freedom Equally and Freedom For Everone Egually as Indvividuals

by Abi Amare

We have to have and should give Equal Rights in Ethiopia and Equal Freedom to everyone equally as individuals. It is not right that only special groups of people have the Right not to be offended. Apparently we Ethiopians are calling these hate crimes; you cannot legislate away feelings, you cannot legislate away hate, or anything else people feel. You can only give every individual equal protection and Equal Rights under the Law. It is not the fault of the Law if people are treated unequally; it is the fault of the people who administer and enforce the Law. We need to try and change people, not the Law.

Making special Laws for special groups of people does not make everyone equal, only with Equal Rights, Equal Laws, Equal Justice, and Equal Freedom, can everybody be equally protected individually, and be free. What people find offensive is too subjective to be made against the Law. If you're going to give some groups of people the Right not to be offended, then everyone individually should have the Equal Right not to be offended. If you're going to outlaw what offends some people then you should outlaw what offends everyone individually. Then we could outlaw just about anything and everything, because nearly anything and everything is offensive to someone. We have to outlaw everything people find offensive, or nothing people find offensive, to give Equal Rights to everyone individually. I choose the power of Liberty and Freedom, to outlaw nothing people find
I believe in self-censorship; that people should not go to places they find offensive, they should not look at or watch what they find offensive, they should not read things they find offensive, they should not listening to people they find offensive, to censor for themselves and not others, or the collective, or society. Individuals should have the Right, the Power and the Freedom to go where they want to go, to look at or watch what they want to, read what they want to read, listening to what they want to listen to, and most important of all, say, write, think, create and feel what ever they like, to be individual and free.

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