Fundamental rights and freedoms All persons are equal before the law and guaranteed equal effective protection, without discrimination on grounds of race, nation, nationality, or other social origin, color, sex, language, political or other opinion property, birth or other status. Every one has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion freedom, either indi... every one the right to recognition any where as person .
Monday, 1 July 2013
THE WOYANE and ITS ‘’law of increasing poverity’’ IN Ethiopia
by Nathnael Abate( nathy de saint)
Mass poverty is a catastrophe which is decreasing living standard of the mass that is created artificially by greedy grabbing of all available local public resources by individuals or groups. Human beings are not naturally created to be poor or to live under the roof of poverty. Since all mankind is equal in birth regardless of his/her race, sex or status backgrounds. Economical poverty comes from mismanagement,uneven distribution of available resources,corruption through which few individuals get rich and the public suffers ,stealing the public resources and political unstability. In our country Ethiopia the intense poverty caused by ruling regime which is afflicting and suffering souls of millions. Poverty ever since its created it affected the lower society class but not the groups or individuals in power. During the famous Ethiopian famine those who were died were peasants, pastoralists and people who were at lower economical level.
The current Ethiopian regime and its families, friends and messengers are getting very rich and the Ethiopian economy defined at their economic status but not by the majority living status. The ruling minority junta and its family company EFFERT which is the richest and wealthiest company in the country. The company started its operation with 2.7 billion birr capital in 1991 and now the stolen Ethiopian public money makes the company one of world richest companies. Without any ones questioning , permission or decision this company can extract, exploit and steal resources from any part of the country.
Another public resource stealing and exploiting company called Medrock Ethiopia owned by ‘’black billionaire’’ Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi or also known as ‘’the Saudi star’’ .This man is using all the local resources without any controlled manner again from all over the country. For instance we can look at LEGADEMBI gold mine from which tons and tons of gold mined,stolen and exploited by the company every year but no infrastructure, public services or another stuffs built for local people who are living in Legadembi. Gold is a nonrenewable resource which is greatly exploited from the region by foreign man which made him the wealthiest man in the world and left the public poor .Most of this man's wealth and treasures come from unexploited regions which is property of Ethiopia and ethiopians but controlled and used by one foreign person. There are far more crimes committed by Woyane and its exploitative friend ‘’the Saudi star’’.
For instance in the name of investment,forced displacement of residents and native people from their native place in Gambella western Ethiopia, ethnic cleansing of Amhara’s from South and Gumuz regions,which is crime against humanity. The diminishing forest resource of the country is lumbered and deforested by military officials and Generals of Woyane. The country and people are missing their green gold resource for forever but the destructive angles of woyane earning profit of million dollars from forest lumbering. Newly introduced system of privatization of public resources are another ‘’theft web of woyane’’ .
If the privatization is used and implemented in proper manner it is better for protecting properties from damage and carelessness but the Ethiopian regime privatization is purposely planned for stealing . For instance the privatization of electric company:- here as the price of electric bill arises per kwh the public have to pay more and more per kwh and the company getting high profit. People who are able to pay the increasing price of electric bill will have an access to electric and these who are not able will eventually be excluded from the service. We can see that during the increase of price of goods (eg. inflation in 2011 was 40% and still now there is inflation) in Ethiopia there is no increase in salary or another measures taken to stabilize the situation.
Here I am not dealing about top officials of woyane or rich merchants, but I am talking about the poorest people like physical labourers, factory workers or other poorly paid people since most population of the country is categorized in lower economic level. Woyane introduced to Ethiopian economy the system which is called Free market(sometimes known as laissez-faire) economy which refers to the price of goods and services determined by the force of supply and demand in market. This system was wrongly introduced to Ethiopia again for stealing and exploiting the poor .
Here the government and traders ( rich merchants) share the trading techniques intentionally due to this the price of things vary from shop to shop sometimes up to 100 percent price difference could be seen for the item with the same size and length .For example you may pay for a piece of cardboard box with the same size and volume in one shop 2 birr, in next shop 5 birr or more and cost of basic goods are as high as sky touch which is uncontrolled intentionally to make life hard for poor.
N.B:- free market system is by its self not exploitative but the system of government derives it to go to the wrong direction. The price of domestic goods cost as much as the imported goods. For example the price of basic goods such as housings, teff, berbere, coffee, sugar, beans and some rest increased from 35 to 76 percent from the year 2007—2013. This artificial price increasing and uncontrolled system of Woyane worsened the lives of millions and millions of Ethiopians. The woyanes ( TPLF) immoral beasts from jungle horrifying the life of Ethiopians by its pseudo economic development propaganda .
The economic development of one country is improvement of the living standard of the whole people living in the territory of that country.Now a day’s life is getting harder for poor and the country is not able to feed its own people. Here the situation should be seen from the majority point of view. The woyane,its families and friends are controlling all Ethiopian economy. Their exploitative,oppressive and theft web let them become richer and richer while the exploited and common society at lower level are getting poorer and poorer. This what is known as ‘’ law of increasing poverty’’. The basic measure of economic development certain country is not measured by economic status and richness few groups or individuals but the whole population or community of certain country with improved living standards.
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