After the New PM Came to Power
and the
friends of Ethiopia have recently witnessed two major changes taking place
in the country particularly in relation to honoring and protecting human rights.
One is the replacement of Mr. Meles Zenawi, whose government tightly restricted
fundamental human rights and severely punished those who attempted to exercise
some of their basic freedoms, by another prime minister. The other change is
Ethiopia’s election to the United Nations’ Human Rights Council.
those changes, again Ethiopians and their friends expected
some kinds of improvements in terms of human rights situations in the country.
There have been reasons why improvements were expected in both cases. Firstly,
the new prime minster, Mr. Hailemariam Dessalegn, was believed to be much more
and well educated person than Mr. Meles Zenawi, who was just a rebel leader and
a first-year university drop-out before coming to power. Besides, contrary to
Mr. Meles’ underlying political principles of racism and regionalism, Mr.
Hailemariam was expected to be far from racial partiality, discrimination and
political biases. Secondly, membership to the UN Human Rights Council comes with
such obligations as holding the highest standards in the promotion and
protection of human rights around the globe (UN General Assembly Resolution
60/251). Unfortunately, the expected improvements haven’t happened. Instead, we
are witnessing the worsening of the human rights situations in the country. Good
most recent cases in point are the Suri massacre in the Omo Valley,
south-western Ethiopia, and racially motivated brutal crackdown against the
students of Addis Ababa, Arat Kilo University, almost all of whom were Oromo
Army surrounded the Suri women,
28 December 2012
massacre of members of the Suri tribe took place in December 2012, when a
heavily armed national army was sent to the area to silence the Suri people’s
protest against evictions and displacements from their ancestral land,
properties, and all forms of livelihoods against their will and out of their
consent. According to the report obtained from a Human Rights researcher called
Doglas Burji[1],
147 Suris were killed in a one time attack by the national army at an area
called Beyahola in Suri village; and their dead bodies were buried in a mass
grave deep in the Dibdib forest not far from the village.
Oromo students of Addis Ababa University were severely attacked, apprehended,
and sent to detentions simply because they attempted to express their anger and
opposition to racial attacks. In the incident, more than 130 students (most of
them Oromos) were arrested[1].
Among the detainees, onestudent was
severely beaten by security forces and died in a hospital where he was taken to
for a pretentious treatment. From among the 130 detained students, many were
released during the first week of their detention; while 35 Oromo students are
still in prison. Both cases were not the first of their kinds to happen. They
were exact duplication of previous similar incidents that took place for the
same purposes of promoting political and economic interests of the group in
only the international documents and/or treaties that Ethiopia has so far
ratified, but also a lot of legal and constitutional documents issued at
different times by different regimes of Ethiopia, including the ones currently
in power talk a lot about the protection and promotion of fundamental human
rights. But, all remained on paper. As a result, Ethiopians from all walks of
life, age, and gender, religious and ethnic groups have been paying so dearly
including in their lives.
is still not too late to reverse the current harmful
approach to human rights in Ethiopia and, by so doing, to prevent the worst from
happening. Therefore, the HRLHA calls up on all local, regional, and
international human rights and diplomatic agencies to renew, under the new
leadership, their commitment to encouraging and supporting the protection and
promotion of fundamental rights in Ethiopia. We also call up on those agencies
to put all necessary pressures on the Ethiopian Government so that it abides by
all laws and constitutional provisions of the country that apply to human rights
as well as the international human rights instruments it has adopted.
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