Tuesday, 30 April 2013

On April 28,2013 The Agenda of Nile Dam Fundraising Event organized by TPLF, In Oslo Norway has failed again.

By:  Abi Amare

Human rights of people first in one Nation before Nile dame construction, Free prisoners of conscience, and Justice and freedom for the people of Ethiopia. Stop the injustice in Ethiopia!




    It was almost intolerable and angry to know and see TPLF's own agenda to bring back again the propaganda of Fundraising event for the so called development for Ethiopians in Norway when there is total ignorance of hearing the voice of the people for Justice. What comes first ?

    Human rights of the people in one country or construction of Dam under injustice ?
    It is really a big ignorance of TPLF's to come repeatedly in Norway and announce a fundraising event for angry Ethiopians who are tired of being victims of TPLF's, hearing news of injustice all the times, who have family prisoned in Homeland , who loses a freedom of religion, who is being victimised because of Ethnicity, and with all Human right violation in Ethiopia. TPLFs came in Norway to collect a fund raising money from this Ethiopians.

    arrestation 2.

    They have planned to raise money again in Oslo after they failed to do it in Stavanger Norway on 20 of April 2013. It is obviously known that they are not after the money but their own propaganda of making up story how they have supporters and the same all 11% economy growth talk, they dare to do it again in Oslo but could't make it at all, it was even worse of humiliation to run away chased by the people, they changed the place of where the fundraising event will take place what they first announced ,because they were afraid what they will face again for sure but then their tactic of changing place was known immediately by the organized group of Ethiopians.

     So the people have got in to the place before anything has begun. It was more than three hundred people demonstrated against TPLF'S agenda. All the people who have been in the place were angry and impatient to see them and were shouting TPLF is thief,killer, we need justice,and so many slogans written like free prisoners of conscience, Free Oromo student prisoners and picture of innocent prisoners who are suffering in Ethiopia,and also demand of freedom of religion.
    The united demonstration of Ethiopians in Norway could not give a breath to TPLF representatives to forward one step ahead, so that the Norwegian police were forced to stop the program and it was not possible for the representatives to make it even look like close to what they have planned to do so.

    Monday, 29 April 2013

    The Agenda of Nile Dam Fundraising Event prepared by TPLF, In Oslo Norway has failed again.

    By : AbiAmare

    It was almost intolerable and angry to know and saw TPLF’s own agenda to bring back again the propaganda of Fundraising event for the so called development for Ethiopians in Norway when their is total ignorance of hearing the voice of the people for Justice.What comes first? Human rights of the people in one country or construction of Dam under injustice?

    OSLO, Norway - TPLF's apartheid delegates were humiliated in Oslo on Sunday after police cancelled their fundraising event in recognition of the anger of protesting Ethiopians. the Nile Dam Fundraising Event failed for the 2nd time in Oslo.On April 20th TPLF representatives were humiliated in Stavanger, Norway while attempting collect money in the name of “Abay dam” and today April 28th the same thing happen in Oslo, Norway. One of the Ethiopian protesters slogans was “Stop Apartheid

    We demonstrated against human rights violations in Ethiopia

    Ethiopia is a police state


     We demonstrated against human rights violations in Ethiopia. The current regime governs the country as a police state and there is neither freedom of religion or freedom of speech. Ethiopian people experiencing persecution. We wanted to show our displeasure with what's going on.
    (AP) Police come out with great force to gain control of a demonstration against the Ethiopian authorities outside the Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo.

    Sunday afternoon promoted major police forces out to stop a group of Ethiopians to take into Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo.

    Police said the demonstration was illegal and eleven people were arrested for public nuisance.

    The pressure on the doors  It was originally announced a lawful demonstration outside Galleri Oslo, where the Ethiopian ambassador in Stockholm to participate in a meeting. When the meeting was canceled, was the demonstration outside the hotel, says operations manager Sven-Martin Ege VG.

    The protesters had first told to pull themselves away from the hotel across the street.They stood pressed against the doors of the hotel and we gave them permission to withdraw, said Ege.
    - The police came out with twelve police cars and dogs to keep track of the demonstrators.Around 16 o'clock eleven people were arrested and demo station dissolved.










    Sunday, 28 April 2013

    Ethiopians Need Freedom Equally and Freedom For Everone Egually as Indvividuals

    by Abi Amare

    We have to have and should give Equal Rights in Ethiopia and Equal Freedom to everyone equally as individuals. It is not right that only special groups of people have the Right not to be offended. Apparently we Ethiopians are calling these hate crimes; you cannot legislate away feelings, you cannot legislate away hate, or anything else people feel. You can only give every individual equal protection and Equal Rights under the Law. It is not the fault of the Law if people are treated unequally; it is the fault of the people who administer and enforce the Law. We need to try and change people, not the Law.

    Making special Laws for special groups of people does not make everyone equal, only with Equal Rights, Equal Laws, Equal Justice, and Equal Freedom, can everybody be equally protected individually, and be free. What people find offensive is too subjective to be made against the Law. If you're going to give some groups of people the Right not to be offended, then everyone individually should have the Equal Right not to be offended. If you're going to outlaw what offends some people then you should outlaw what offends everyone individually. Then we could outlaw just about anything and everything, because nearly anything and everything is offensive to someone. We have to outlaw everything people find offensive, or nothing people find offensive, to give Equal Rights to everyone individually. I choose the power of Liberty and Freedom, to outlaw nothing people find
    I believe in self-censorship; that people should not go to places they find offensive, they should not look at or watch what they find offensive, they should not read things they find offensive, they should not listening to people they find offensive, to censor for themselves and not others, or the collective, or society. Individuals should have the Right, the Power and the Freedom to go where they want to go, to look at or watch what they want to, read what they want to read, listening to what they want to listen to, and most important of all, say, write, think, create and feel what ever they like, to be individual and free.

    ሰበር ዜና! ጀግኖች ኢትዮጵያዊያን ዛሬም በኦስሎው፣ ታሪክ ሰሩ!


    ወያኔ በልማት ስም ገንዘብ ለመቃረምና ደጋፊ ለመመልመል አቅዶ ከሳምንት በፊት በስታቫንገር አንዲሁም በዛሬው እለት ደግሞ በኦስሎ ስብሰባ ለመጥራት ታቅዶ የነበረ ቢሆንም ሳይሳካላቸው የውርደት ካባቸውን ለብሰው መሄድ እጣፋንታቸው እንዲሆን የግድ ሆኗል፡፡ እንደሚታወቀው ባለፈው ሳምነንት ማለትም እንደ ኢሮፓ አቆጣጠር ሚያዝያ 20፣ 2013 በነበረው ስብሰባ ላይ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ከየተለያዩ ቦታዎች በመሰባሰብ የወያኔ አምባሳደር በስዊድን የሆኑትንና የዲያስፖራ ተወካዩን ከስብሰባ በማባረር ከፍለውበት የነበረውን አዳራሽ ተረክቦ ኢትዮጵያዊያን የራሳቸውን አጀንዳ እና ለተፈናቀሉት ወገኖቻችን እርዳታ የሚሆን ገቢ እንዲሰበሰብና ይህን አምባገነንና ዘረኛ ቡድን መታገል የሚቻለው በ አንድነት መሆኑን ሁሉም የሚስማሙበትና እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘን መታገል እንዳለብን አስምረው፣ ከ አንድ ሳምንት በሗላ ለሚደረገው የወያኔ ገቢ ማሰባሰቢያ ይህንኑ ድል መደገም ያለበት መሆኑን በመስማማት ነበር የተለያዩት፡፡
    ይህንንም ተከትሎ የስታቫንገሩን የወያኔ ፕሮግራም ለማክሸፍ ከፍተኛው ሚና የተጫዎተውን ግብረ-ሓይል በማጠናከር ሳምንቱን ሁሉ ውጤታማ ሥራ ለማድረግ የሙስሊም ወንድሞቻችንን፤ ኦሮሞና ሶማሌ ኢትዮጵያዊያንን በማስተባበር ሌት ከቀን ሲሰራ ሰነንብቷል፡፡ የጀግኖች ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ከፍተኛ ዝግጅትና ቅስቀሳ ሲከታተሉ የነበሩ የወያኔ ቅጥረኞችና አገላጋዮች ስብሰባ ሊደረግ ታቅዶበት የነበረውን አዳራሽ የስብሰባው ሰዓት ሊደርስ አንድ ሰዓት ተኩል ሲቀረው የመሰብሰቢያው አዳራሽ በፀጥታው፣ በጥራቱና በደህንነቱ በታወቀው ራድሰን ብሉ ሆቴል እንደሚካሄድ አስታውቀው፣ ስብሰባውን ለመሳተፍ ግን ህጋዊ መታወቂያ እንደሚያስፈልግ ተገልፆ የሞባይል አጭር መልዕክት ተላለፈ፡፡ ጀግኖች ኢትዮጵያዊያን ስብሰባው ይካሄድበታል ተብሎ ከታሰበበት አዳራሽ አካባቢ ከአስር ሰዓት ጀምሮ ወደዚያ የሚያልፈውን የወያኔ ቅጥረኛ ለመቃኘት ወረውት የነበረ ቢሆንም ዘግይቶ የመጣውን አጭር የሞባይል መልዕክት ማለትም የስብሰባ ቦታ መቀየር በመረዳት፣ ወደዚያው ተመመ፡፡
    ብዙዎቹ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ከመድረሳቸው በፊት በገቡት የወያኔ ተወካዮች በመበሳጨቱ ወደ ሆቴሉ ለመግባት በነበረው ግብግብ፣ ምንም ዓይነት ሰው እንዳይገባ ተከለከለ፡፡ ይህንንም ተከትሎ የኢትዮጵያዊያንን ቁጣ ለማስቆም ከ15 መኪና በላይ የፖለስ ሃይል የተጨመረ ቢሆንም የጀግኖች ኢትዮጵያዊአንን ቁጣና እልህ መቋቋም አልቻሉም ነበር፡፡ አካባቢው የግልና ተቃውሞውም ህገወጥ እንደሆነ በማስረዳት ከአካባቢው ገለል ለማድረግ ቢሞክሩም አልተቻለም፡፡ ኢትዮጵያዊያኑ በሆቴሉ የታደሙት የወያኔ ቅጥረኞት ወጥተው ካልሄዱ አካባቢውን ለቀን አንሄድም፤ ይውጡ እንለቃለን፤ ይውጡ እንለቃለን፤ ይውጡ እንለቃለን፤ ይውጡ እንለቃለን በማለት አብዘተው ጮሁ፡፡ ይህንንም ተከትሎ ሁለት ሴቶች እህቶቻችንና ዘጠኝ ወንድሞቻችን ለሰዓታት ታስረው የተፈቱ ሲሆን፤ ፖሊስም የተቃውሞውን ሓይለኝነት በማየት የወያኔ ተወካዮችንና የስብሰባው አስተባባሪዎች በጓሮ በር ማለትም በመኪና ማቆሚያ በኩል ከህዝብ ሰውረው ከሆቴሉ ሸኝተዋቸዋል፡፡
    ከዚያም ኢትዮጵያዊያን አያ ሆሆ ማታ ነው ድሌ፤ አያ ሆሆ ማታ ነው ድሌ፤ አያ ሆሆ ማታ ነው ድሌ እያሉ በመዝለል ደስታቸውን ገልጸዋል፡፡ የሚከተሉትን የፎቶ ትዕይንት ይመልከቱ፡፡
    DSC_0010 DSC_0012 DSC_0015 DSC_0922 DSC_0931 DSC_0938Arrestation arrestation 2.

    የዘረፋ ውሎ በእንዳማሪያም (ገብረመድህን አርዓያ

    ገብረመድህን አርዓያ
    ፕርዝ፣ አውስትራሊያ

    Gebremedhin Araya former TPLFስብሃት ነጋ ባለፈው ሳምንት አዲስ አበባ በሚታተመው የአዲስ አድማስ ጋዜጣ ላይ የሰጠውን ቃለ መጠይቅ አነበብኩት:: ስብሃት ነጋ “ኢህዴግን የመሰለ ፓርቲ በአፍሪካ የለም” እና ሌላም ብዙ ፣ ብዙ ይላል:: ይዘብታል ፣ ይፎክራል፣ ይሸመጥጣል፣ ያቀረሻል፣ በህዝብ ሞራል ላይም ያላግጣል:: ብዙም አልደነቀኝም:: ስብሃትም ሆኑ የዚህ ፋሺስታዊ ስርዓት አንቀሳቃሾች በብዙሃን ደም ላለፉት አርባ አመታት ታጥበዋል ፣ ታሪክ አውድመዋል ፣ እጅግ ከፍተኛ ዘረፋ ፈጽመዋል ፣ አገር ቆርሰው ሸጠዋል:: በጣም ከፍተኛ ወንጀል የሰሩ ሰዎች እንደመሆናቸው በአገሪቷ የፖለቲካ ለውጥ ከመቼውም ጊዜ በላይ መቀጣጠሉ እንቅልፍ እንደነሳቸው እያየን ነው:: አዎን ስብሃት ገና ፣ ገና ከዚህም በላይ ብዙ ይናገራል ፤ ቁጣው እያየለ በሄደ ቁጥር ብዙ ወንጀሎችም ይሰራል::
    አቶ ገብረመድህን እርአያ
    ዛሬ ወያኔ ኢህአዴግ ከመቼውም ጊዜ በበዛ ፍጥነት እና ማን አለብኝነት ኢትዮጵያዊ የሆኑ መሰረቶችን የመናዱን ስራ አጠናክሮ እየሰራ ለመሆኑ በየእለቱ የምንሰማቸው ዜናዎች እና ዘገባዎች ያሳያሉ:: እንደ እኔ ፣ እንደ እኔ የወያኔ የጥፋት ስራ ሳይሆን የጨመረው ይልቁንስ ረጅም እድሜ ለኢሳት ይስጠውና የዜና ዘገባ ብዛት እና አይነቱ መጨመሩ ይመስለኛል:: ወያኔ ሲፈጠር ጀምሮ ኢትዮጵያዊ መሰረት ያላቸውን እሴቶችን የማጥቃት ስራን እንደ መጨረሻ ግብ(strategic goal) አስቀምጦ የሚንቀሳቀስ ድርጅት መሆኑን ቀድመን ላወቅን እና ለተረዳን ሰዎች ግን እምብዛም አዲስ ነገር አይደለም:: ዛሬ ላይ ከኢትዮጵያ ከሚወጡ ዜናዎች በብዛት የምንሰማው ብዙዎች ሲያለቅሱ እና ጥቂት ዘረኞች ደግሞ ያለ ይሉኝታ ሲዘርፉ ፣ ሰዎችን አስረው ሲያሰቃዩ፣ እና ኢትዮጵያውያንን ዘር ቆጥረው ከቀያቸው ሲያፈናቅሉ ሆኗል::

    የኢትዮጵያውያን ገበሬዎች ዋይታ በቤኒሻንጉል እና ጉራፈርዳ፣ የባህታውያን ለቅሶ በዋልድባ ፣ የእስልምና እምነት ተከታይ ኢትዮጵያውያን የፍትህ ጥያቄ በመላ ሃገሪቱ ፣ ሌላም ፣ ሌላም:: ወያኔ ኢህአዴግ በአገር እና በወገን ላይ የሚያደርሰው ጥቃት በግብ ደረጃ የተያዘ በመሆኑ ይብሱን ተጠናክሮ ሊቀጥል እንደሚችል በእርግጠኝነት መናገር ይቻላል:: ዛሬ ላይ ከዳር ቆመው የሚመለከቱ ሰዎችም ሆነ በስርዓቱ ውስጥ ያሉ ካድሬዎች እና አገልጋዮች ይህንን ሃቅ በደንብ ልብ ብለው ሊመለከቱት ይገባል:: የጥቃት ዱላው በአንድ ወይም በሌላ በኩል አይደርስ የሚመስልበት ቦታ ሁላ ይደርሳል::

    ኢትዮጵያውያን ከምንም ነገር በላይ ለሃይማኖት እና የእምነት ተቋሟት ታላቅ ክብር ይሰጣሉ:: በዛሬ ጽሁፌ ለማንሳት የፈለግኩት ጉዳይ በአንድ ወቅት በወያኔ ኢህአዴግ ውስጥ ታጋይ በነበርኩበት ወቅት በዘመቻ ከስብሃት ነጋ እና ከሃለቃ ጸጋይ በርሄ ጋር ሌሎች ሁለት ታጋዮችም ተጨምረውበት አንድ ገዳም እንዴት እንደፈርን እና እንደዘረፍን በማሳየት ስብሃትም ሆነ ድርጅቱ እንዴት ለአገራዊ እና ሃይማኖታዊ ተቋማት ያላቸውን ንቀት ለማሳየት ነው:: ጊዜው ሕዳር ወር 1971ዓ.ም. እና የተ.ሓ.ህ.ት. 1ኛ ጉባኤ እየተቃረበ የመጣበት ወቅት ነበር።

     ድርጅቱ ለጉባኤው ማካሄጃ በሚል ሰበብ የትግራይ ደሃ ገበሬዎችን ንብረት እና ገንዘብ በስፋት መቀማቱን በዘመቻ ተያይዞታል:: ሃብትና ንብረታቸው የተዘረፈ ንጹሃን የትግራይ ገበሬዎችንም ሃለዋ ወያኔ በማስገባት መፍጀቱ ተጧጡፏል፤ በወቅቱ የተ.ሓ.ህ.ት. ቤዝ በለሳ፤ እገላ ወረዳ ውስጥ ይገኛል። ብዙ ክፍሎች፤ ማለትም 02 ወታደራዊ ማሰልጠኛ፤ 03 ህክምና፤ 04 ፖለቲካ ጽ/ቤት፤ 05 ክፍሊ ኢኮኖሚ፤ 09 መሳሪያ ግምጃ ቤትና 06 ሃለዋ ወያነ ተበለው ተከፋፍለው እዚሁ ቦታ ላይ በተለያየ አቀማመጥ ሆነው ይሰራሉ። አቦይ ስብሃት በ04 ፖለቲካ ጽ/ቤት በሚታዘዙ እና በአዲ ጨጓር እና በለሳ ምይ ሃማቶ ላይ በሚገኙ ሁለት ሃለዋ ወያኔዎች(እስር ቤቶች) ንጹሃንን አሳስሮ ያስገርፋል፣ ያስገድላል:: እኔ በወቅቱ የህክምናው ክፍል ሃላፊ ነበርኩኝ:: እና ታዲያ በዚሁ አንድ የህዳር ቀን በስብሃት የተጻፈ ቀጭን ደብዳቤ በምሰራበት የህክምና ክፍል ደረሰኝ:: ደብዳቤው እንዲህ ይላል : ነገ ጠዋት ልክ በ2 ሰዓት መሬቶ እንድትጠብቀኝ፤ ወደ ሽራሮ ለሥራ ጉዳይ አብረን እንሄዳለን:: ለምን ፣ እንዴት ፣ በምን ተብሎ አይጠየቅም፤
    በነጋታው እንደታዘዝኩት በተባለው ሰዓት መሬቶ ቁሽት ቀድሜ ደረሼ ቆየሁት። እሱም በሰዓቱ መጣ። ተያይዘን ጉዞአችንን ወደ ጭላ ወረዳ ቀጠልን። ቀኑን ሙሉ ስንጓዝ ውለን በመሃልም ግርማይ ጀብር የሚመራት አንድ ሃይል ተቀብላን አንድ ቦታ አደርን። ከአስመራ ወደ አድዋ የሚወስደውን መንገድ ከሌሊቱ 10 ሰዓት ላይ አሻገሩን። ይህ መንገድ ሁልጊዜ የኢትዮጵያ ጦር አይለየውምና ለመሻገር ጥንቃቄ ይሻል::

    ጭላ ከጥዋቱ 2 ሰዓት ገባን። እዛ የቆዩን ሃለቃ ፀጋይ በርሄ–የላይ አድያቦ ሕዝብ ግንኙነት፤ አጽብሃ ሀ/ማርያም–የአንከረ ሕዝብ ግንኙነት፤ ቀሺ ታደሰ–የክርቢት ነውጠኛ መሪ ነበሩ። እኔና ስብሃት ተደምረን አምስታችን ጭላ ውለን ስብሃት ቀድሞ ለወጠነውና አስቅድሞ መረጃው ለሌለኝ የዘረፋ ስራ ወደ እንዳማርያም ገዳም ጉዞ ጀመርን:: ሃለቃ ፀጋይ በርሄ በስብሃት በታዘዘው መሰረት አስቀድሞ ጥናቱን ጨርሶ ስለነበር፤ የቤት ክርስትያኑን አቃቤ ግምጃ ቤት ባህታዊ ማን መሆናቸውን እና የት አካባቢ እንደሚኖሩ አውቋል። ሌሎቻችን ታጣፊ ክላሽንኮቭ ስብሃት ነጋ ደፍሞ ሽጉጥ ታጥቋል። ለምን እና ወዴት እንደምንሄድ ቀሺ ታደሰ፤ አጽብሃ ሃይለማርያምም ሆነ እኔ አናውቅም። ኋላም ተጉዘን እንዳማርያም ቤተ ክርስቲያን ገባን። ቤተ ክርስቲያኑ በጥንት ዘመን በአብርሃ ወአፅብሃ ዘመነመንግሥት የተሰራ፤ በጣም ሰፊና ብዙ የአትክልት እና ፍራፍሬ እርሻ የሚለማበት ገዳም ነው:: በመነኮሳት ጉልበት በመስኖ የለማ ሎሚ፤ ሙዝ፤ ብርቱካን፤ ትርንጎ፤ መንደሪን ገዳሙን ከቦታል። መቼም አካባቢው ውብ እና ለመንፈሳዊ ህይወት የተመቸ ነው:: በእድሜ የበለጸጉ ባህታውያን፤ ቀሳውስት፤ መናንያን እና ዲያቆናት በገዳሙ ዙሪያ መንፈሳዊ ህይወታቸውን ይመራሉ። ውስጥ ለውስጥ ብዙ ከሄድን በኋላ ከፊታችን አንድ ዲያቆን አገኘን።

    ሃለቃ ፀጋይ ዲያቆኑን ለብቻ ነጥሎ አናገረው፤ ምን እንደተነጋገሩ እኔ ካለሁበት ብዙም አይሰማም ብቻ ሁለቱ ተያይዘው ከፊት እየመሩ ወደ አንድ ቤት ውስጥ አስገቡን። ቀጥሎም ስብሃት ነጋ እንዲህ አለ፤ ሌሎቻችሁ እዚሁ ቆዩ:: እኔ ፣ ገ/መድህን እና ሃለቃ ፀጋይ ብቻ የገዳሙን አስተዳዳሪ ለማናገር እንሄዳለን:: ከዚያም ሶስታችንም ተያይዘን ከነትጥቃችን ወደ ገዳሙ አስተዳዳሪ ቤት አቀናን:: የገዳሙንም አስተዳዳሪ ከቤታቸው አገኘናቸው:: ለአፍ ያህል ሰላምታ ከተለዋወጥን በኋላ ስብሃት ጊዜ ሳያጠፋ “የመጣነው ገንዘብ እንዲሰጡን ስለሆነ ያለዎትን ሁሉ ይስጡን!” አላቸው። ለመነኩሴው ግር የሚል ትዕዛዝ ነበር:: ብዙም ሳያቅማሙ “እኔ አልሰጥም፤ የእመቤቴ ብርሃን ንብረትና ሃብት ላይ የማዘዝ መብት የለኝም:: አልሰጥም::” በማለት እቅጩን በግልጽ አማርኛ ተናገሩ:: ስብሃትም አይኑን እያጉረጠረጠ ድምጹን ከፍ አድርጎ አምጡ ማለቱን ቀጠለ:: ስብሃት በቀላሉ እንደማይመለስ በድምጽም ፊቱን በመቀያየርም እንዲረዱ አደረገ ፣ ምስኪኑ አባትም አማራጭ እንደሌላቸው ተረዱ::ትንሽ አስብ አደረጉና ወደውስጥ ገብተው የተቋጠረ ከረጢት ተሸክመው መጡ።

    ባዘነ አንደበት እንዲህም ሲሉ ተናገሩ ፤ “የቤተ ክርስቲያን ሃብት ወድጄ ፈቅጄ ሳይሆን የሰጠኋችሁ አስገድዳችሁ እና አንቃችሁ እንደወሰዳችሁ እወቁት::” ከዚያም ከረጢቱን አልሰጥም በማለት ብር 50,000 የታሰረ ገንዘብ ከፊቱ ዘረገፉለት። ስብሃትም በፍጥነት ይዘነው በመጣነው ‘ሃቨር ሳክ’ በሚባል ወታደራዊ ሻንጣ ሞልተን ተሸክመን እንድንወጣ አዘዘ:: እኛም የተባልነውን አደረግን:: ባህታዊውም በመውጫችን ላይ እንዲህ አሉ፤ “ነገ ጠዋት ለሕዝበ ክርስቲያኑ የሆነውን ሁሉ እናገራለሁ::” የተዘረፈውን ገንዘብ እኔና ስብሃት ተሸክመን ተመልሰን በለሳ ማይሃምቶ ገባን።

    የተፈጸመውን የዘረፋ እና የገዳም ደፈራ የአካባቢው ሕዝብ ሁሉ ሰማው፤ በተሰራው ስራም ክፉኛ አዘነ፤ አወገዘውም። ስብሃት ድርጊቱ የየግል ምስጢራችን ሆኖ መጠበቅ እንዳለበት አስጠነቀቀን። ለዘረፋው ስራም ባለን ድርጅታዊ ታማኝነት እንደተመረጥን ገለጸልን። እንግዲህ ይህ አንድ ገጠመኝ ብቻ ነው:: ዘረፋ፣ ማውደም ፣ ታሪክ እና ቅርስ ማጥፋት ፣ የእስላምም ይሁን የክርስቲያን ቤተ እምነቶችን መድፈር እና ማበላሸት ለህወሃት የሰርክ ስራዎች ናቸው::

    በአለቃ ገበረ ሃና ስም የሚነገር አንድ ታሪክ አለ:: ልጅቷ አለቃ ጋር ሄዳ “ጎረምሶቹ ሁሉ ድንቼ ፣ ድንቼ እያሉ ይጠሩኛል:: ለምን ይመስልዎታል::” ብትላቸው አለቃም እንዲህ አሉ:: ” ሊልጡሽ ፈልገው ነዋ!”:: ትናንትና በዘር እና በሃይማኖት እየመረጠ የአንድን አገር ወንድማማቾችን አንዱን ለአንዱ ታሪካዊ ጠላትህ ነው ፤ ላንተ ህልውና ከኔ በላይ ላሳር እያለ ሲመጻድቅባቸው የነበሩ የሃይማኖትም ሆነ የብሄር ቡድኖችን ከነጠለ በኋላ ያለ ሃይ ባይ ሲያጠቃ እያየን ነው:: ዛሬ ላይ በኢትዮጵያ እስር ቤቶች አስር ሺህ በሚቆጠሩ ኦሮሞዎች ታጭቀዋል:: በቃሊቲ ፣ በጨለንቆ ፣ በዝዋይ ፣ በሸዋ ሮቢት ፣ እና በሌሎችም በይፋ ባልተመዘገቡ የወያኔ ማጎሪያዎች ውስጥ ዜጎች ያለሃጥያታቸው ታስረው ይሰቃያሉ::

    ስርዓቱ ዛሬ ላይ በሰፊው በእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች ላይ የመጨረሻውን ዱላ ከማንሳቱ በፊት ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስቲያንን የማጥቃቱን ስራ ሙሉ አቅሙን አሳርፎ ሰርቷል:: ከኦርቶዶክስ እምነት ተከታዮች በቀር በጉዳዩ ብዙም ግድ ያለው አልነበረም:: ነገ ደግሞ ተረኛ የካቶሊካዊት ወይም የሌላ ወንጌላውያን ቤተክርስቲያናት ሊሆኑ እንደሚችሉ መገመት አይከብድም:: ይህን ዘረኛ እና ከፋፋይ ስርዓት በመታገስ እና በማስታመም የትኛውም የህብረተሰብ ክፍል ነገ ጥቃት ተቀባይ ሊሆን አይገባም::

    ስለወያኔ ማንነት ይኸው ለአመታት የተናገርኩት አንድ በአንድ ጊዜውን እየጠበቀ ሲፈጸም አየን:: አሁን ከመቼውም ጊዜ በላይ ኢትዮጵያውያን በአንድ ድምጽ በቃ የሚሉበት ጊዜ ላይ ደርሰናል:: የለውጥ ጊዜ እየቀረበ ነው:: ኢትዮጵያውያን አይን ለአይን ተያይተው ፤ ልብ ለልብ ተግባብተው ይህንን ዘረኛ እና ፋሺስታዊ ስርዓት ከዚያች ቅዱስ አገር የሚያጠፉበት ጊዜ በእውነትም እየቀረበ ነው:: ኢትዮጵያውያን በአንድነት ሲሰሩ ምን ማድረግ እንደሚችሉ እስከ አፍንጫው በታጠቀው የወራሪው የፋሺስት ኢጣልያ ጦር ላይ የተቀዳጁትን የአድዋውን ድል ማስታወሱ ብቻ በቂ ነው::በአዲስ ተስፋ ለህልውናቸው እና ለቀጣይ ትውልድም የምትበቃ አገር እና መንግስት ለማቆም ሊሰሩ የሚገባበት ወቅት እየመጣ ነው:: በመጨረሻም ከሰሜን እስከ ደቡብ ፤ ከምስራቅ እስከ ምዕራብ:: እስላም እና ክርስቲያን ሳይሉ ፤ ኦሮሞ ፣ አማራ ፣ ትግሬ ፣ ጉራጌ ፣ ወላይታ ፣ አገው ፣ አፋር ፣ ቤኒሻንጉል ፣ ስልጤ ፣ አደሬ ነኝ ብለው ወያኔ በሰፋላቸው የዘረኝነት ወጥመድ ውስጥ ሳይወድቁ እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘው ለወሳኝ የፖለቲካ ለውጥ እንዲሰሩ ጥሪዬን አስተላልፋለሁኝ::

    ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር

    Saturday, 27 April 2013

    what are Human Right

    By : Abi Aamare

    The 1993 World Conference on Human Rights affirmed the crucial connection between international peace and security and the rule of law and human rights, placing them all within the larger context of democratization and development.

    The United Nations is increasingly combining efforts to prevent or end conflicts with measures aimed at reducing human rights abuses in situations of internal violence. Special emphasis is placed on ensuring the protection of minorities, strengthening democratic institutions, realizing the right to development and securing universal respect for human rights. -- United Nations, "Human Rights Today: A United Nations Priority."

    Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered entitled: the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equal treatment before the law, among others. These rights represent entitlements of the individual or groups vis-B-vis the government, as well as responsibilities of the individual and the government authorities.

    Such rights are ascribed "naturally," which means that they are not earned and cannot be denied on the basis of race, creed, ethnicity or gender.[1] These rights are often advanced as legal rights and protected by the rule of law. However, they are distinct from and prior to law, and can be used as standards for formulating or criticizing both local and international law. It is typically thought that the conduct of governments and military forces must comply with these standards.

    Friday, 26 April 2013

    Generational Shift May Shake Up Ethiopian Politics After Meles Zenawi

    by:Terrence Lyons is associate professor
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 5, 2008
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 5, 2008
    April 26, 2013 (World Politics Review) – The death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in August 2012 marked the end of an era in contemporary Ethiopian politics. After defeating the brutal Derg regime in 1991, Meles headed the powerful ruling party that led the country of more than 80 million through a massive transformation. But it is a mistake to think of his tenure as a period of one-man rule or his death as creating either a political vacuum or an opportunity for liberal reform, as power, authority and resources never rested in Meles’ hands alone.

    Meles’ Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) created an Ethiopia based around ethnically defined regions and political parties, state control over land and other key economic assets and a strong authoritarian political party. Meles’ aim was to create a developmental state through revolutionary democracy, a project that more closely resembled the Chinese model than Western notions of liberalism. Levels of economic growth have been high and the expansion of health care impressive. At the same time, however, Ethiopia has effectively criminalized dissent and made it virtually impossible for civil society organizations to engage in human rights monitoring or democratization initiatives.
    Many reflections on Meles’ leadership have pointed to his personal qualities and his complicated and often quite contentious legacies. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice gave a laudatory speech at his funeral, calling him “an uncommon leader, a rare visionary and a true friend to me and many.” But Meles left behind a larger set of interlinked interests that include key figures in each of the ethnic parties that make up the EPRDF coalition; powerful economic institutions and mass organizations controlled by leading members of the ruling party; and, most importantly, the large and disciplined military and security services.
    This old order remains fundamentally in place even after Meles’ passing. While formal authority has shifted to Hailemariam Dessalegn, a former deputy prime minister who has now ascended to the top post, it is clear that power remains embedded within this network of party, economic and military institutions, at least for now.
    The EPRDF is the quintessential authoritarian party. In 2010 the ruling coalition and its allies won 99.6 percent of the seats in the national parliament, and by 2012 an estimated 6 million people had joined the party. Many sign up to gain access to government goods or to have a realistic chance of obtaining a position in the civil service. From the most remote village to the center of power, the EPRDF controls all political and economic space, with few distinctions between party and government. Meles’ death did not provide opportunities for the shattered, repressed and increasingly ineffectual opposition to engage in politics effectively. There are no public signs of a dissident network within the military or ruling party, and it is nearly impossible to mobilize outside of those institutions.
    Still, while the networks of power have proved robust, the EPRDF has undergone a remarkable transition of party leaders in recent years. A number of senior figures stepped down from the coalition’s executive committee in 2010, notably Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin and Trade Minister Girma Biru, who were sent to embassies some distance from the political action. The EPRDF Congress last month saw the rise of a younger generation that did not participate in the armed struggle but rather had moved up party ranks on the basis of technocratic capabilities and loyalty.
    The EPRDF remains, however, a coalition of ethnically based parties that differ sharply in terms of size, experience in the liberation struggle and ability to administer their respective regions. The inherent tension between centralized power and ethnic- and region-based parties remains strong.
    If a cabinet member from the ethnic Amhara party, for example, is replaced by someone from the ethnic Oromo party, it is perceived as a shift in the relative power of the two ethnic groups, even if the EPRDF as a whole remains in charge. This underlying ethnic positioning was evident when Hailemariam, from the southern wing of the party, appointed representatives of the Tigray, Amhara and Oromo wings as deputy prime ministers so that each constituent party retained a seat at the table.
    Such tensions could be exacerbated by economic factors. Ethiopia experienced double-digit growth between 2004 and 2008, and the building boom in Addis Ababa and the construction of roads and regional universities is impressive. Hailemariam remains committed to Meles’ ambitious Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) for 2010-2015, which projected GDP growth of 10-15 percent and massive public sector investment in infrastructure, mining and energy.
     The Millennium Dam on the Blue Nile is the symbolic centerpiece of the plan and will be the largest hydroelectric power plant in sub-Saharan Africa when completed. It is not clear, however, whether Ethiopia will be able to finance all of its proposals. Actual economic growth is forecast to be closer to 7 percent from 2013-2017 — quite good, but not enough to meet the GTP’s targets. Ethiopia’s stability depends upon a rapidly growing economy, and a decline will create enormous political pressures.
    Many strong, authoritarian parties shatter when succession crises create intraparty conflicts. While the EPRDF regime has held together despite the death of its longtime leader, it will be an extraordinary accomplishment if the EPRDF can manage the larger generational transition in which the distribution of power among different ethnic-based factions is in flux and many ambitious actors now see a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make it to the top. The period leading up to the 2015 elections will test Hailemariam’s political skills. If one or another faction perceives that it has a better chance of gaining or retaining power by making an alternative coalition and challenging the old guard, then the EPRDF may prove brittle and shatter. Such a scenario, while by no means inevitable, has the potential to become violent and to have significant spillover effects throughout the war-torn Horn of Africa.
    Terrence Lyons is associate professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution and co-director of the Center for Global Studies, George Mason University.

    Thursday, 25 April 2013

    Ethnic Cleansing in Ethiopia .

    April 19, 2013

    His Excellency, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
    Dear Your Excellency,

    Subject: Ethnic Cleansing in Ethiopia

    UN Chief Ban Ki-moonFirst, we, the leadership team of the undersigned Ethiopian civic and political organizations, present our compliments to Your Excellency. It is with deep anguish and regret that we should like to alert you and appeal to your office, and through your office, to the Security Council of the United Nations concerning the unprecedented level of human displacement and ethnic cleansing that is currently taking place in Ethiopia.

    You will agree with us that ethnic cleansing is an affront to human worth and dignity and endangers peace and stability in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. It must be halted without any delay. These recurring and well documented violations of fundamental human rights are perpetrated by the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) the ethnic-elite coalition government that has been ruling Ethiopia for the past 21 years.
    Your Excellency,

    As you know, Ethiopia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country with an established history of peaceful coexistence, mutual acceptance and tolerance. This tradition is being torn apart by the governing party. There is disturbingly accumulated anecdotal evidence which shows that ethnic cleansing is planned systematically by the governing party and executed at the regional or Kilil level by officials who are accountable to the central government. The specific incident in the Benishangul-Gumuz regional state involved an estimated 8000 people of the Amhara nationality, the second largest ethnic group in the country.

    This latest unprovoked removal and displacement of innocent families from their farms and livelihoods follows a similar and large-scale ethnic cleansing of the same Amharic speaking population from the Gura Ferda District of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP) regional state. Displaced Ethiopians have no legal or constitutional recourse to secure their livelihood, personal safety, personal property and or to seek compensation. On the contrary, they are forced to expend their meager savings for transport and to support themselves in temporary shelters.

    The fundamental principle we should like to flag is that such a deliberate form of ethnic cleansing against any specific ethnic, linguistic or religious group is a violation of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and must cease in order to avert escalation of conflict in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Your Excellency is fully aware that the Horn of Africa is one of the most conflict ridden and prone regions of the world. In light of this, we are deeply concerned that, unless the attention of the UN family of nations under your leadership is drawn and responds to this ongoing crisis, we fear that the world is about to witness, once again, another cycle of violence in one of the oldest nations of the world and one of the founding members of the United Nations. Your Excellency will agree with us that the world cannot afford another Somalia or Rwanda. Such an occurrence should be averted before it is too late.

    Your Excellency,

    The collapse of the Military regime in May 1991 and the cessation of hostilities, albeit temporarily, had raised hopes for peace, stability, democracy and inclusive development in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. These expectations have been dashed by a dictatorial regime that is determined to remake Ethiopia by tearing it apart along ethnic and other sectarian lines. The current administrative structure is much more akin to the defunct Apartheid system of South Africa than a genuine federal system of government.

    The governing party’s core ideology was founded on ethnic-based divide and rule, hate, prejudice and narrow ethnic elite rivalry for riches and resources. Its international diplomatic facade has been camouflaged by its opportunistic pretentions of respecting international law on paper rather than in practice. Inadvertently, the United Nations itself has used the services of this sectarian regime and paid huge sums of money for peace keeping in various parts of Africa.

    For all practical purposes, Ethiopia is ruled by a brutal minority ethnic elite-led regime with the Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF) in command. It has a puppet Prime Minister and a ceremonial president. It runs farce elections so that 99.6% of the seats in the parliament are controlled by the TPLF.

    There is credible documentary evidence from Human Rights Watch and others that show that the minority regime has been and continues to be the cause of death, destruction, extermination, internal displacements, incarcerations and forced migration. Ethiopia’s largest export is human capital. The number of refugees has increased dramatically and is unlikely to decline unless the system of governance changes. Thousands of young girls and children are entrapped by human traffickers. State-sponsored, deliberate and planned ethnic cleansings will, we are convinced, sooner than later turn an already ethnically fractured Ethiopia into a failed state.

    Ethiopia’s current fragile situation is worsened by the government’s absolute politicization of ethnicity, faith, politics and economics. The governing party predetermines winners and losers. People are evicted from prime lands in cities to pave the way for the newly rich, and forced to vacate their ancestral lands in favor of international investors who now own hundreds of thousands of hectares of farmlands and water basins.

    There is massive land grab in Addis Ababa, Afar, Bahir Dar, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella, Oromia and Southern regions of the country. Indigenous people in the Omo and Gambella regions and centuries-old monasteries like Waldiba had to give way to the government’s own sugar plantations and to satisfy foreign investor demand from China, India, Korea, the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia. Such an unprecedented level of land grab causes massive human displacement and environmental catastrophe.

    This is compounded by recurrent ethnic cleansing that threatens the very existence of the country. In direct contravention of the country’s Constitution and all international laws and conventions, many of the leaders of the ethnic enclaves are now implementing a federal policy of ethnic cleansing and coercive villagization that benefits ethnic elites. At present the Amhara nationality and Amharic speakers whose members traditionally live in various parts of the country are the targets. However, we fear that the government’s strategy of minority rule through "managed ethnic conflict" will result in a civil war of all against all as citizens are forced to seek protection from the state rather than by the state.

    Your Excellency,

    The TPLF’s animosity against the Amhara nationality group dates back to the 1970s and originates from the leadership’s poor understanding of the history of Ethiopia. The animosity continues unabated. An organized ethnic cleansing is being carried out in several parts of the country, including in Benishangul-Gumuz, Gura Ferda, and the Ogaden.

    Regional governors and the cadres of the ruling regime are routinely giving written eviction orders and warnings to the Amhara to leave their homes, farms and other establishments. Over the past few years, tens of thousands of innocent people, including women and children, have become victims of this methodical ethnic cleansing by the ruling party. The human toll and the gravity of the situation call for immediate and urgent attention, protection and support of the international community in general and the United Nations in particular.

    We are especially troubled by the notion that the displaced and dislocated who sought refuge in Addis Ababa and Finote Selam are "being protected by the same Federal security forces in undisclosed locations," the same forces who were instrumental in "uprooting" them in the first place. As Your Excellency knows, Ethiopia is a signatory to international and human rights laws and conventions that govern "crimes against humanity" and its officials must be held accountable

    We believe that the rights of all human beings are inalienable and universal and should be respected as such. Your Excellency will agree with us that there cannot be two international standards of justice. As you know the warrant of arrest against General Omar Al Bashir of the Sudan was issued on a list of 7 counts of his individual criminal responsibility (article 25(3)(a) including five counts of crimes against humanity: murder–article 7(1)(a); extermination– article 7(1)(b); forcible transfer–article 7(1)(d); torture–article 7(1)(f); and rape–article 7(1)(g); two counts of war crimes: intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities–article 8(2)(e)(i); and pillaging – article 8(2)(e)(v). Similar and numerous human rights violations have taken place in Ethiopia and well documented by authoritative and independent organizations (please see below for references).

    Your Excellency,

    We believe that the tragic events that have been recurring in Ethiopia fit the definition of crimes against humanity. There is an overwhelming and credible prima facie evidence for the United Nations Security Council to initiate a formal investigation without delay.

    We urge you to consider the fact that, the April 2013 ethnic-cleansing perpetrated against the Amhara population in Benishangul-Gumuz, enhances greatly earlier depositions that are similar and or identical in nature. These "crimes against humanity" committed by Ethiopian officials in different parts of the country have been disclosed to the UN Human Rights Commission. Accordingly, we believe that there is sufficient ground to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court without any delay.

    We, therefore, appeal to Your Excellency to give proper attention to the matter. We are fully confident that you will agree with us that the United Nations cannot and must not be seen to have double standards for different countries and peoples. Given the gravity of the situation, the UN can no longer ignore or pay lip service to the degradation of human dignity and honor. It cannot afford to defer interventions when such glaring and "recurring crimes against humanity" are committed by a member government.

    If the United Nations continues to ignore this call and request for justice, it would be repeating its previous mistakes in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda and Somalia. It should take preventive steps urgently in order to bring about the cessation of the human rights violations and "crimes against humanity" in Ethiopia.
    We also appeal through your good office to the international donor community to provide urgent humanitarian aid that is specifically targeted in support of the displaced people in various parts of Ethiopia.

    In light of the recurrence of human rights violations and systematic corruption and illicit outflow of massive foreign exchange from one of the poorest and aid dependent countries in the world, we feel strongly that the international aid community in Ethiopia has a moral obligation to refrain from supporting programs that aggravate "ethnic-cleansing and the displacement of indigenous people from their ancestral homes", and the diversion of aid funds for political repression and control.

    Finally, we the members of the organizations whose names appear below avail ourselves for meaningful dialogue and consultation. Please accept our highest consideration and appreciation for your leadership.

    Sponsoring organizations:

    Alliance for Liberty, Equality and Justice in Ethiopia (ALEJE)
    Biruh Ethiopia Democratic Movement (Biruh)
    Ethiopian Border Affairs Committee
    Ethiopian National Transitional Council
    Ethiopian People’s Congress for United Struggle (Shengo)
    Ethiopiawinnet: Council for the Defense of Citizens Rights (ECDCR)
    Global Civic Movement for Change in Ethiopia (Beka)
    Oromo Liberation Front (Led by Gen Kemal Gelchu)


    Members of the UN Security Council
    H.E. President Barak Obama, President of the United States of America
    H.E. Honorable John Kerry, Secretary of States, United States of America
    H.E. Ambassador Susan Rice, United States Ambassador to the United Nations
    H.E. President Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Union
    H.E. Ambassador Catherine Ashton, European Union
    H.E. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Secretary General, African Union
    H.E. Nabil Al-Araby, Secretary General of the Arab League
    H.E. Francois Hollande, President of France
    H.E. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
    H.E. Xi Jinping, President of China
    H.E. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
    H.E. David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
    H.E. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
    H.E. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
    H.E. Mario Monti, Prime Minister of Italy
    H.E. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel
    H.E. King Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia
    H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India
    H.E. Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
    H.E. Navanethan Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
    Dr. JimYong Kim, President of the World Bank
    Madame Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF
    H.E. Jose Graziano da Silva, Director General, FAO
    H.E. Kenneth Roath, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch
    H.E. Barry Coates, Executive Director, Oxfam International
    H.E. Stephen Corry, Executive Director, Survival International
    H.E. Jean-Francois Julliard, Secretary General, Reporters without Borders
    H.E. Rajul Pandya, Member of the Executive Team, IFPRI
    H. E. Gregory Stanton, President, Genocide Watch


    USDOS (state.gov), Ethiopia: U.S. State Department 2011 Human Rights Report.
    Human Rights Watch (hrw.org), Ethiopia: Donor Aid Supports Repression, October 19, 2010.
    Human Rights Watch (hrw.org), World Report, Ethiopia (2013).
    Oakland Institute (oaklandinstitute.org), Update from Gambella, Ethiopia: Human Rights Violations Impact the Annuak, February 19, 2013.

    የትግራይ ህዝብ ስማ!!


    by Aragaw » 23 Apr 2013, 22:30


    ሰሞኑን በውዴታም ይሁን በግዴታ በመቀሌ እጅግ ከፍተኛ የሚባል ቁጥር ያላቸው
    የትግራይ ተወላጆች ሲጨፍሩ፣ ሲዘሉ፣ ከበሮ እየመቱ የባህላቸውን ዘፈንና ውዝዋዜ ሲያወርዱ አይተናል። ምክንያቱ በግልጽ ባይነገርም ሲደበቅ የነበረው የህወሃት ሃብትና ንብረት ውጤት የሆኑ፣ በልዩ የመንግስት ድጋፍ የተከናወኑ ግዙፍ ተቋሞች በጎዳና ለህዝብ ሲቀርቡም ተስተውሏል። ልማቱ መልካም ነው። ደስ ይለናል። ምንም ተቃውሞ የለንም። ግን መልዕክት አለን።


    ምሬትን፣ ጭቆናና መንገፍገፍ ሲበዛ በፍቃደኛነት በቦንብ ላይ እንደሚያስሮጥ ለሚያውቀው የትግራይ ህዝብ!! የትግራይ ህዝብ ስማ!!

    ሰሞኑን ይፋ የሆነው የተባበሩት መንግስታት የልማት ፕሮግራም ሪፖርት የትግራይ ክልል በትምህርት፣ በኤሌክትሪክ፣ በመንገድ፣ በእርሻ፣ በደን፣ በኢንዱስትሪ፣ በጤና፣ ወዘተ ከሌሎች ክልሎች ሁሉ ርቃ መሄዷን ይፋ አድርጓል። በዚህም ደስ ይለናል። አይከፋንም። ከዚህ በላይ እንዲሆን እንመኛለን። ነገር ግን አንድ መልዕክት አለን።


    አሁንም ለትግራይ ህዝብ!!

    ሓውዜን የትግራይ ወጣቶች ለትግል ግልብጥ ብለው እንዲወጡ አደረገ። ሓውዜን የደረሰው የቦንብ ድብደባ ማንና እንዴት እንደተቀነባበር ብዙ የሚባልለት ቢሆንም የምሬት ጫፍ ሆኖ ህዝብን አሸፍቷል። ዛሬ መጨቆን ያንገፈግፋል ብለው ለትግል በተነሱና በተሰው ታጋዮች ደምና አጥንት ላይ የቆሙ ሌሎች ሓውዜኖች እንዲፈጠሩ አድርገዋል። እያደረጉም ነው።

    ይህ በማን ስም እየሆነ ነው? በህወሃት አማካይነት በትግራይ ህዝብ ስም!!

    ኦሮሚያ ልጆቿን በእስርና በጥይት እያጣች ነው። በጨለማ ቤት እየተሰቃዩ ያሉ የኦሮሞ ልጆች ግፍ ሰፍሮ ሞልቷል። አማራው አገር አልባ ሆኖ በየጎዳናው እየወደቀ ነው። እየተለዩ ከየክልሉ እየተባረሩ ነው። የመኖር ዋስትናቸውን ተከልክለው በሞትና በጣር መካከል ያሉ ህጻናትና ነፍሰጡሮች ለቅሶ ሰማይ ደርሷል። ይህ ሁሉ አልበቃ ብሎ እስር ቤት የሚማቅቁና የሚሰቃዩ ሰውነታቸውም የሚተለተል አሉ።

    የተገደሉ አሉ። ይህንን የሚያደርገው ደህንነቱ የተቆጣጠረውና መሳሪያ ያነገተው ኃይል ነው። ይህ ኃይል ደግሞ ህወሃት ነው። ህወሃት ይህንን ሁሉ ግፍ የሚፈጽመው በትግራይ ህዝብ ስም ነው። እያመረተ ያለው ደግሞ ብዙ ሓውዜኖችን ነው። በደልና የበቀል ስሜት ላንድ ጎሳ ወይም ሕዝብ ብቻ የተሰጠ አይደለምና ሌሎችም ሊነሱ ይችላሉ። መቼና እንዴት? አይታወቅም። በሲዳማ፣ በሶማሌ፣ በአፋር፣ … ብዙ ችግርና ምሬት አለ።

    በጋምቤላ ግፍ ነዶውን እየወዘወዘ ነው። በጋምቤላ በዘመናት ወደፊት የማናገኛው የደን ሃብት እየወደመ ነው። በጋምቤላ ሰላማዊ ህዝቦች ከቀያቸው እየተፈናቀሉ መሬታቸውን እየተነጠቁ ለውጪ “ባለሃብቶች” እንዲሁም ለትግራይ ተወላጆች እየተከፋፈለ ነው። በባሌ፣ በቦንጋ፣ በወለጋ፣ ድፍን ኦሮሚያና የደቡብ ክልል ደን እየተጨፈጨፈ ትግራይ በደን እየተሸፈነች ነው ብሎ መጨፈር ለትግራይ ህዝብ ኩራት አይሆነውም። ኢትዮጵያዊ ነው የሚባለው የትግራይ ህዝብ እሱ የሚጠላውና ልጆቹን የገበረለት ግፍ በሌሎች ወገኖቹ ላይ ሲፈጸም ዝም ማለቱ ለምንና ከምን የመነጨ እንደሆነ ለማወቅ የሚፈልጉ አሉና ጥያቄውን እናቀርባለን።

    ስለመፈናቀል ስናወራ “የትግራይ ተወላጆች ተፈናቀሉ” ሲባልና “ተፈናቀልን” ብለው ቅሬታና አቤቱታ ሲያቀርቡ አንሰማም። ይልቁኑም የአማራን ለም መሬት ለትግራይ በመከለል በደል የሚፈጽመው ህወሃት የሚባለው በትግራይ ህዝብ ስም የተደራጀና በነጻ አውጪ ስም እስካሁን አገር የሚመራ ቡድን ነው። ይህ ሁሉ ሲደረግ የትግራይ ህዝብ ያውቃል። ቢያንስ ቢያንስ የሰው መሬት ወርረው የተቀመጡት አይክዱትም። ግን ይህ እስከመቼ ይቀጥላል? ፍርሃት አለን። ለምን? ይህ ሁሉ ሌላኛው የሓውዜን ክፍል ነዋ!!

    ስለ ግብር ሲነሳ የትግራይ ተወላጆች በግብር ዕዳ፣ በባንክ እዳና እንደ ልብ ነጻ ሆኖ በመንቀሳቀስ ችግር ቅሬታ ሲያሰሙ አይደመጥም። በመላው አገሪቱ በኢንቨስትመንት ተሰማርተው በሰላም እየሰሩ ነው። ሌሎች ግን በብሔር ተለይተው መከራ ይደረስባቸዋል። ህወሃት በማንነታቸውና ባመለካከታቸው እየነጠለ ከጨዋታና ከኑሮ መስመር ያወጣቸዋል። የጭቃ ቤት፣ አርሰው የሚበሉበት ከብት፣ ዶሮና በግ ሃብት ተብሎ ይወረስባቸዋል። ይህ እውነት ለትግራይ ምሁራን የተሰወረ አይደለም። ይህም ሌላው ህወሃት በትግራይ ህዝብ ስም በሌሎች ዜጎች ላይ የሚፈጥረው የምሬት ሓውዜን ነው!!

    ኮንትሮባንድና ህገወጥ ንግድ ሲነሳ የመጀመሪያው መስመር ላይ ሆነው አገሪቱን የሚያልቡት የቀድሞ ታጋዮችና የትግራይ ተወላጅ የሆኑ ነጋዴዎች ናቸው። ጤፍ ወደ ኤርትራ በማጋዝ፣ ባህር ዛፍና ቡና በማሻገር፣ የዱር እንስሳትን ቆዳና ቀንድ በመነገድ የተሰማሩት ይታወቃሉ። ብዙ እጅግ ብዙ ማለት ይቻላል። የምናነሳቸው ማሳያዎች ሁሉ የኢኮኖሚ፣ የማኅበራዊ፣ የፖለቲካ፣ … ሓውዜኖች ናቸውና እዚህ ለጊዜው ላይ እናቁም!!

    ሻዕቢያ ድንገት ወረራ አካሂዶ ድፍን ትግራይን ሲቀጠቅጥ፣ ህጻናትን በቦንብ ሲቆላ፣ አገሬ ብሎ የተነሳን ህዝብ በማያውቀው ወንጀል እየሰፈሩ ማሰቃየት ይቆም ዘንድ የትግራይ ህዝብ በቀጥታ ድምጹንና ተቃውሞውን በአግባቡ ማሳየት የሚገባው ወቅት ላይ እንደሚገኝ ይሰማናል፤ ደግሞም እናምናለን።

    ዛሬ “ውርሱን እንጠብቃለን” በማለት የሚጮህላቸው አቶ መለስ በወቅቱ ክህደት ሲፈጽሙ የደረሰው ዛሬ እየተነጠሉ የሚመቱትና መድረሻ ያጡ ወገኖች ናቸው። ዛሬም ቀበሮ ጉድጓድ ውስጥ ናቸው። በሰባና ሰማንያ ሚሊዮን ህዝብ ልብ ውስጥ የተፈጠሩት ሓውዜኖች ወደ ቁጣ ሲለወጡ አምስት አምስት ሆኖ መደራጀት፣ በስውር መታጠቅና በየሰፈሩ ያሉትን አስተባባሪዎች ስም ለቅሞ በመያዝ “ሳልቀደም ልቅደም” ብሎ መራወጥ አያዋጣም፤ ጊዜው ስለሚያልፍበት የትም አያደርስም። ሓውዜናዊ ህይወት የሚኖር ሕዝብ ከደረሰበት በላይ የሚያጣው ስለማይኖር እንኳን ስለማጣት ስለመኖርም አያስብም፡፡ በዚህ ከቀጠለ የቀን ጉዳይ ካልሆነ በስተቀር በየቦታው ራሱ ህወሃት የፈጠራቸው ሓውዜኖች መናደፍ መጀመራቸው አይቀርም።

    “ህወሓትን እናስቀድም … ጠላቶቻችንን እናጥፋ” በሚል የማያቋርጥ ጥላቻ መቀጠል ተጨማሪ ሓውዜኖችን ከመፍጠር በስተቀር “ጠላትን” ማጥፋት የማይቻል እንደሆነ ከዚህ በፊት በሕዝብ ላይ ተመሳሳይ እርምጃ የወሰዱ ተሞክሮ ማስረጃ ነው፡፡ በበረሃ “ጠላትን እናጥፋ”፤ ሥልጣን ይዞ “ጠላትን እናጥፋ”፤ አገር እየመሩ “ጠላትን እናጥፋ”፤ ኢኮኖሚውን ተቆጣጥሮ “ጠላትን እናጥፋ” … 40ዓመት ሙሉ በ“ጠላትን እናጥፋ” መርህ የሚጓዘው ህወሃት “ጉድጓድ የሚምስ ራሱ ይወድቅበታል” የተባለው የተቀደሰ አባባል ሲፈጸም እንዳየነው ከ70 ሚሊዮን በላይ ሕዝብ ለማጥፋት የሚመኘው ህወሃት የራሱ መጥፊያ የሆኑ በርካታ ሓውዜኖችን ፈጥሯል፡፡

    “የ100 ዓመት የቤት ስራ ሰጥተናቸዋል” በሚል በየድረገጹ የሚለጠፉ ተራ ድንፋታና ትዕቢት የሚፈጠሩትን ሓውዜኖች ከማብዛት ውጪ ትርፍ የላቸውምና ወደ ደጉ መንገድ መመለስና ሰብዓዊነትን በማስቀደም፤ ተደጋግፎ መኖርን ማጎልበት ይሻላል ለማለት እንወዳለን። ተሳስበውና ተረዳድተው የሚገነቡት የትም ሆነ የት የአገር ነውና ሁሉም ይኮራበታል፤ ይጠብቀዋል። ተጠቃሚ ይሆንበታል። የሚያምርብንም ይህ ነው። ህወሃት አልሰማም ብሏል። የትግራይ ህዝብ ግን ስማ!! ይህ ሁሉ የሚደረገው በስምህ ነው!!

    Mysterious Lake Threatens Ethiopian Sugar Ambitions

    By William Davison, Bloomberg
    April 25, 2013


    April 24 (Bloomberg) -- A saline lake in Ethiopia that’s baffled scientists by its 15-fold growth threatens to spill into the nation’s longest river and damage plans by Africa’s biggest coffee grower to become a commodities powerhouse.

    Lake Beseka in the Rift Valley has grown to its largest size ever amid irrigation runoff and seismic shifts in past years. Should salt waters contaminate the Awash River, they would risk Ethiopia’s oldest state-owned sugar estate and an India-funded project downstream that’s key to the government’s $5 billion plan to turn the country into a top sugar exporter.

    "The fear is for the river," Water and Energy Ministry groundwater chief Tesfaye Tadesse said. "If it discharges by itself without any control, the river is going to be contaminated forever."

    River basins including the Blue Nile and rugged highlands bless Ethiopia with plentiful hydropower and the continent’s second-largest water resources. The government is counting on Indian financing, a Saudi billionaire and Chinese loans to grow sugar, rice, bananas and oranges for export to expand the fastest-growing African economy without oil reserves.

    It’s crucial that efforts be made to stop a possible overflow before the seasonal rains start in June, said Endashew Tadesse, a technical specialist at the Upper Awash River Basin Authority. A spill by the lake east of the capital Addis Ababa may flood towns and drive nomadic herdsmen from the area.

    Beseka, fed by hot springs at 954 meters (3,130 feet), has swollen from a 3-square-kilometer pond in the 1960s to 45 square kilometers, causing the diversion of a road from Addis Ababa to Djibouti’s port, a main trade route in landlocked Ethiopia.

    Frustrated Efforts

    Over the past 14 years, the government has unsuccessfully installed pumps and built canals to try to keep Beseka at bay.

    Irrigation projects are increasing the flow of water into the lake through the hot springs that feed it, said Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Megersa Olumana Dinka from Haramaya University in Ethiopia, who wrote papers on the phenomenon in 2009 and last year. Seismic activity may also be a factor, Megersa said in an e-mail.

    Authorities have attributed Beseka’s growth to irrigation runoff in the Metahara area. That includes the Upper Awash Agro Industry Enterprise company bought this year from the government by Horizon Plantations, a venture majority owned by Mohamed al- Amoudi, the largest single investor in Ethiopia.

    Studies haven’t proven Upper Awash Agro to be a source of the lake’s growth, Horizon General Manager Jemal Ahmed said in a phone interview. If it has any environmental impact, "we will investigate and cooperate with the government," he said.

    Saudi Investment

    Al-Amoudi has moved into agriculture with plans to export rice, bananas and processed coffee from Ethiopia. Horizon is seeking to double orange production to 50,000 tons a year by investing 432 million birr ($23 million) in Upper Awash Agro.

    The Tendaho sugar factory 380 kilometers northeast of Addis Ababa that’s financed with a $640 million line of credit from the Export-Import Bank of India could suffer if the Awash becomes saline. India is the world’s largest sugar consumer and second-biggest producer.

    Metahara and Addis Ketema, towns with more than 30,000 residents, the sugar estate at Metahara east of the capital as well as Tendaho’s sugar facility in the arid Afar region are at risk should the lake continue its mysterious growth.

    Sugar is important to Ethiopia’s growth plans as raw sugar futures at 18 U.S. cents a pound on ICE Future U.S. in New York are 50 percent higher than at the end of 2008. They’ve dropped almost 9 percent this year after falling 16 percent in 2012.

    Sugar, Cotton

    Of importance too to Ethiopia, whose longtime leader Meles Zenawi died last year, in its drive to transform a nation of 90 million residents into a middle-income country are the cotton farms supplying a growing textiles industry. Cotton plantations in the Middle Awash area run by the Amibara Business Group would also suffer from a salty river. The former state farms have already lost over 2,000 hectares to salt water since 1984, according to the International Water Management Institute.

    Amibara’s Middle Awash Agricultural Development Enterprise is "concerned" at the growth of the lake before the rains, Deputy General Manager Wubshet Yilma said. "If it goes into the Awash now, the problem will be much bigger" for Amibara’s cotton farms, he said in a phone interview.

    School Submerged

    Any saline spill also jeopardizes Ethiopia government plans to develop the Afar area including building a sugar crusher at Tendaho, whose plantation will use water from a dam on the Awash to produce as much as 600,000 tons of cane a year.

    "If it rains, it’s over," Endashew said in an interview at an office near a school submerged two years ago by the lake.

    Its pace of growth has increased since the regional government began constructing the Fantalle canal for a 467 million-birr irrigation project in 2008 following a drought, said Engida Zemedagegnehu, a hydrogeology manager at the Ethiopian Water Works Design & Supervision Enterprise.

    Even with runoff from farms a probable cause of the lake’s increasing rate of growth, "our efforts to pump more water didn’t reduce the expansion," Tesfaye said. The river contains 4 percent lake water and any more could be ruinous, he said.

    Whatever the reason for the swelling, "the lake has potential to flow to Awash River and devastate Metahara Sugar Estate in the next few years," professor Megersa said. "It would then also negatively impact all downstream irrigation developments in the Awash basin, including Tendaho."

    Thorn Trees

    Beyond Tendaho, state-owned Sugar Corp. is building 10 refineries, including six for the Kuraz Sugar Project in the South Omo region near Kenya. It’s working too in the Awash area with China National Complete Plant Import & Export Corp., or Complant, on the Kessem sugar project. The $150 million Kessem is funded by state-owned Development Bank of China.

    Sugar Corp. managers didn’t respond to e-mails and phone calls to spokesman Yilma Tibebu seeking comment since March 16.

    From Metahara, the 1,200-kilometer Awash, which originates in Ethiopia’s highlands, flows northeast into Afar before drying near Djibouti. The area is studded with thorn trees and hot rocky outcrops inhabited by about 1.5 million people.

    The Afar, primarily nomadic herders that carry long, curved daggers in sheaves on their hips, drink the river water, as do livestock. The effect of contamination on those that use the river would be "terrible," Megersa said.

    A group of experts and officials are studying the lake and will advise on how to deal with its growth, Tesfaye said. "For the time being, we don’t have a very good direction on what action we should take," he said.

    Ethiopia: Jailed hero journalist Woubshet Taye off to Zeway death camp


    The Horn Times News 20 April 2013
    by Getahune Bekele, South Africa
    As the unpopular, corrupt and inefficient minority junta continues to govern the police state Ethiopia with brute ironJailed hero journalist Woubshet Taye hand, dealing ruthlessly with political prisoners and jailed journalists whom it blames for causing the late despot Meles Zenawi’s “ untimely” death; Ethiopian political prisoners have fallen on hard times filled with dread and terror.
    The former Editor of Awramba Times, Wubeshet Taye is the latest Prisoner to be sent to Zeway death camp to serve the remaining time of his 14 years sentence away from his family, with the likes of Bekele Gerba, Albana Lelisa and several others who are already condemned to the notorious facility.
    Chained in leg iron and carrying his belongings in tiny bag, hundreds of curios inmates at Kilinto prison watched the young scribe taken away by more than 20 TPLF soldiers on Tuesday morning April 16 2013.
    A friend of the terrorized journalist confirmed to the Horn Times that Woubshet Taye is currently in Zeway, still in leg iron like all political prisoners.
    The 2011 trial of Woubshet Taye was at the time described unfair and was way below the international fair trial standard under the controversial and draconian anti-terrorism law designed to persecute and silence dissenting voices.
    The Horn Times franticly tried to talk to TPLF officials in charge of prison administration to find out the reason behind sending opposition prisoners particularly Ethnic Oromos and the Amharas to Zeway during the known malaria season, but none of them were willing to reply including the office of the man himself, warlord Berket Simeon.

    Stavanger, Norway conducted a very effective demonstration against the planned fundraising

    source :  abia

    Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin in Stavanger, Norway have demonstrated their commitment to national development by purchasing government saving bonds


     Oromo community in Stavanger Ethiopian from Oslo ,Bergen come together conducted a very effective demonstration against the planned fundraising event chaired by two representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm. Stormed by a powerful and effective opposition, the representatives of the embassy left the meeting hall immediately escorted by police. 

    As we all know on April 20,2013 TPLF send two representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm with the agenda of Nile dam fundraising program in Stavanger, Norway and close to 300 Ethiopians in Norway has present in the meeting and brought their question of Justice, freedom and Human Rights but the representatives who has been in the place came up with their own agenda and ignored the mass voice as TPLF usually does. Because of this reason the Ethiopians get angry and shout justice and Freedom before Nile dam and express their opposition clearlly they will not cooprate with TPLF’s agenda before their question for justice has been answered ,so that the Norwegian Polices stopped the program before things are getting worse. And these has been on the Norwegian Aftenbladt News at the same day.

     Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency (Erta) has released news that brings TPLF's shame in to all over the world . while it is known what was happening in Stavanger on April 20 for Nile dam fundraising meeting, when Vidio record evidence are tanjble and Norway news like Aftenbladet has been reportd that the Police stopped meeting in Tasta bydelshus. Stavanger , yet Erta and Ethiopian News in sweeden reports vice versa .I will leave the 3 links for you to compare and contrast enjoy.




    "Despite a demonstration of asylum seekers conspired by anti-peace and development forces, the compatriots purchased government saving bonds worth a quarter million Birr in support of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project.

    Office of the FDRE Consul General in Stockholm had organized a discussion forum Stavanger on Saturday, April 20, 2013 in collaboration with Ethiopian community members in the city.

    The forum was aimed at selling government saving bonds for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project briefing participants on the services of the Consul General Office.

    Eventhough the meeting was interrupted for a while by certain anti-peace and development forces used asylum seekers for their evil cause, it was resumed in a different venue by peace loving Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin who raised a quarter million Birr the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project from bond sales.

    "Our development endeavors will never be obstructed by certain selfish individuals who wish to create turmoil in the country for their own personal gains," said Office of the FDRE Consul General in Stockholm in a statement.

    Wednesday, 24 April 2013

    Ethnic-based Politics in Ethiopia


    According to the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, there are 79 political parties registered under Proclamation No573/2008. Of these, only 29% have country-wide (national) identity whereas 71% are regional parties that are organized around ethnic lines.

    Of those parties dubbed to have national outreach, some such as All Amhara People’s Organization (AAPO), Ethiopian Peoples’Revolutionary Front (EPRDF), Geda System Advancement Party, Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement, and All Oromo People Democratic Party do actually have, as their names indicate, ethnicity as their organizing logic.Several armed groups and parties are also following suit. Stated simply, Ethiopian politics is heavily smeared with ethnicism. On average, each nationality (ethnic group) has got its own political party.
    That means, the political philosophy of the EPRDF (ethnic federalism) seems to have gotten popularity from the opposition. By necessity, affinity, and/or rhetoric, the majority of opposition political parties make ethnicism their core. Meaning, ethnic federalism is what unifies EPRDF and the opposition. Although the former has got the power/legitimation to enforce the ideology, the latter have been playing a no-less-than-important role in giving it real life.
    Some people tend to mistakenly trace the commencement of ethnic politics in Ethiopia to the political participation of the late Professor and accomplished surgeon Asrat Woldeyes. Following the ratification of the FDRE Constitution and in response to the rampant persecution and mass killing of the Amharas, which is still the reality, Asrat was ‘forced’ to form the AAPO. Although the party was technically formed to ‘fight’ all the injustices made against the Amharas, the party was tasked to demand and safeguard freedom and democracy at the national level.

    In fact, Professor Asrat’s public speeches, some of which are available on YouTube, aimed at ensuring national unity, peace, and freedom. From the beginning, it was only the great surgeon who opposed the endorsement of the Constitution on the grounds that it undermined Ethiopia’s interest as an independent and unified nation. From that point onwards, Asrat attracted a lot of negative energy from the ruling party. Despite all the odds that happened to him (e.g. he was fired from Addis Ababa University), Asrat intensified his struggle for the freedom of the poor. His formation of the AAPO was not in support of ethnic politics but was an immediate reaction to the massacre of the Amharas. Had Asrat been allowd to lead his life and career, we would have seen the immediate ‘translation’ of the AAPO into a national party.

    Ethnic politics in reality has its roots in the now Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). The founders of this party happened to champion the interest of the Tigray people. After the 17 year protracted war with the Derg, with strong support from the West and with a little bit of luck, they managed to emerge victorious. At the eve of the victory, ‘sister’ political parties were formed representing major ethnic groups such as the Amharas, Oromos, and lately the Southern Nationalities. That fabric metamorphosed into ethnic federalism, which defines current Ethiopian politics. Consequently, the creator and God father of ethnic politics in Ethiopia must be the ruling party. The majority of the opposition political parties just contributed to draw its huge public face- they played a legitimating role. But what is an important question is not who started it but what unwanted consequences are there in relation to ethnic politics.


    Seen at the surface, there seems not to be a problem in practicing politics along ethnic lines. There are several people who even argue that such model of politics allows grass-roots-level participation and is an expression of improved democratic governance, equality, social inclusion, and political consciousness. Theoretically and potentially, this argument seems to hold some water.

    It is, however, a practical rarity to successfully fight for freedom and democratic governance while staying dear and near to one’s own ethnicity. I strongly advocate for democracy, the rule of law, and presence of alternative voices, but when it comes to ethnic-based political parties, I do have serious reservations. I rather claim that practicing ethnic politics is not the right strategy to fight injustices and to bring genuine democracy.

    One, such political fabric bears no fruits so far. Ethnic politics has been on the horizon since 1991. Political parties proliferated over the years since then. But their contribution to ‘fighting’ injustices is nearly unnoticeable. The reason is not only because the ruling party is systematically narrowing down the playing field but also because of the divided and symbolic nature of the opposition. The opposition is itself seriously divided along ethnic lines and some even see each other as potential threats. Ethnic political parties have a problem going beyond their own localities.

    Two, forming ethnic parties is thus limiting, both physically and psychologically. The parties are known only to their respective ethnic groups and to the Electoral Board. The Oromo-based parties, for instance, hardly work in Northern Ethiopia. All the promotion and campaigning is done within their own localities only. They could not compete or win members, resources and names elsewhere within the country. They are thinking within their own boxes.

    Three, ethnic parties just confuse the general Ethiopian public. Several ethnic groups each have more than two political parties. It is made unnecessarily confusing to join or support either party. They just frustrate the public. Several people seem to consider opposition parties as hopeless, powerless, disorganized, and fragmented and the like. This kills public motivation to get involved in politics. Ethnic parties retard and at best kill opposition politics much more than what EPRDF does to the latter.

    Four, ethnic politics falsely communicates the presence of freedom and political participation and inclusion. There are several who think that forging a party of some kind is itself a success. Their leaderships, who seem to secure tenurships, roam around villages when elections are around. They proudly talk how their ethnic groups are represented in Ethiopian politics. This sends a false signal to at least people external to Ethiopian politics; they are in fact the voiceless voices. They are noises that constantly irritate the public.

    Five, national agendas and interests are being undermined mainly because of ethnically-charged politics. Parties tend to exclusively focus on their own constituencies’practical matters, albeit unsuccessfully. It is hard to get ethnic parties that raise issues related to Ethiopia’s borders, state of the education sector, unemployment and standard of living, individual freedom, the exodus of the youth to foreign lands, the Ethiopian Diaspora, Ethiopian history and future. Because of the obsession and compulsion with ethnic politics, our future integrity and prospect as a nation seem to be less discussed.

    Six, ethnic politics contributes little or no to future peace and cooperation. The more parties love their own ethnic groups and cultures, the less they stand on the common platform- being Ethiopian. Along with other aggravating conditions, ethnic politics could be considered a recipe for future conflict and war among the over 80 nationalities.

    Concluding remarks

    Ethnicism seems to define Ethiopian politics. It is a common denominator to the ruling party and the opposition. The two, precisely speaking, have a lot in common than their differences. If they differ at all, it is related to getting supremacy and power. The less the difference exists between the ruling party and the opposition, the more frustrating and meaningless would be the political struggle. That is mainly why we do not see any promising development both from Ethiopia and abroad. If the opposition really care about and for Ethiopian politics, they must think and act out of their boxes- their ethnicity. Ethiopia is much more than the sum of all the political parties and ethnic groups.