By: Abi Amare
Human rights of people first in one Nation before Nile dame construction, Free prisoners of conscience, and Justice and freedom for the people of Ethiopia. Stop the injustice in Ethiopia!
It was almost intolerable and angry to know and see TPLF's own agenda to bring back again the propaganda of Fundraising event for the so called development for Ethiopians in Norway when there is total ignorance of hearing the voice of the people for Justice. What comes first ?
Human rights of the people in one country or construction of Dam under injustice ?
It is really a big ignorance of TPLF's to come repeatedly in Norway and announce a fundraising event for angry Ethiopians who are tired of being victims of TPLF's, hearing news of injustice all the times, who have family prisoned in Homeland , who loses a freedom of religion, who is being victimised because of Ethnicity, and with all Human right violation in Ethiopia. TPLFs came in Norway to collect a fund raising money from this Ethiopians.

They have planned to raise money again in Oslo after they failed to do it in Stavanger Norway on 20 of April 2013. It is obviously known that they are not after the money but their own propaganda of making up story how they have supporters and the same all 11% economy growth talk, they dare to do it again in Oslo but could't make it at all, it was even worse of humiliation to run away chased by the people, they changed the place of where the fundraising event will take place what they first announced ,because they were afraid what they will face again for sure but then their tactic of changing place was known immediately by the organized group of Ethiopians.
So the people have got in to the place before anything has begun. It was more than three hundred people demonstrated against TPLF'S agenda. All the people who have been in the place were angry and impatient to see them and were shouting TPLF is thief,killer, we need justice,and so many slogans written like free prisoners of conscience, Free Oromo student prisoners and picture of innocent prisoners who are suffering in Ethiopia,and also demand of freedom of religion.
They have planned to raise money again in Oslo after they failed to do it in Stavanger Norway on 20 of April 2013. It is obviously known that they are not after the money but their own propaganda of making up story how they have supporters and the same all 11% economy growth talk, they dare to do it again in Oslo but could't make it at all, it was even worse of humiliation to run away chased by the people, they changed the place of where the fundraising event will take place what they first announced ,because they were afraid what they will face again for sure but then their tactic of changing place was known immediately by the organized group of Ethiopians.
So the people have got in to the place before anything has begun. It was more than three hundred people demonstrated against TPLF'S agenda. All the people who have been in the place were angry and impatient to see them and were shouting TPLF is thief,killer, we need justice,and so many slogans written like free prisoners of conscience, Free Oromo student prisoners and picture of innocent prisoners who are suffering in Ethiopia,and also demand of freedom of religion.
The united demonstration of Ethiopians in Norway could not give a breath to TPLF representatives to forward one step ahead, so that the Norwegian police were forced to stop the program and it was not possible for the representatives to make it even look like close to what they have planned to do so.
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