By Tedla Asfaw
From left: Hailemariam Desalegn and Shiferaw
On Monday April 8, 2013 Ethiopians are
gathering in front of the White House like we have been doing for more than two
decades. Our Voice is the Voice of the Voiceless Ethiopian people who are living
in a giant jail with no freedom at all. Freedom to live shutting ones own mouth
is not even allowed at present. The Ethnic Cleansing underway in Beni Shanguel
Gumez in Western part of Ethiopia targeted Amharas in thousands as enemy to be
removed from their farmland.
Amharas in the Southern Fiefdom are not new
for such Ethnic Cleansing. Last year Amharas were kicked out of their livelihood
from Gura Ferda in thousands. Their crime is looking and sounding different from
Ethiopians over there.The people have been living along with their neighbours
very well infuriating the Southern Warlord Shiferaw Shugite. Instructed by his
boss, the Tigrean Warlords, Amharas farmlands was cleared to give it to Tigrean
Land Lords and foreign land buyers.
The late Meles Zenawi on his fake
parliament last year at this time accused the displaced for being “anti
environment “. He said, forests were destroyed for farming and has to be
stopped. What was his “solution” ? Instruct Shiferaw Shigute, the Southern
Warlord to take away land from Amharas and give it away to Tigreans and foreign
After the death of the dictator we are now witnessing his
“vision” put into practice in Beni Shanguel Gumez , Southern Fiefdom. More than
5,000 Amharas are forced out by terror and close to one hundred died of car
accident travelling by truck to save their lives. The sad thing is that they
paid for the truck that takes them to their death. Many are travelling on foot,
women forced to give birth on their way, children and elderly forced to walk and
All leaving their property behind.
The Amharas are the people that are
marked as the enemy of the Tigrai people by the ruling mafia clique and they are
putting that “motto” into action to honor their dead tyrant. Hailemariam
Deslaegn the current prime minster/worshipper is the one in charge of the Ethnic
Cleansing in Western part of Ethiopia.We are asking the Obama Administration
that Hailemariam Desalegn should not be allowed to enter to USA. We Ethiopians
are asking other Western countries to do the same.
The Southern Fiefdom
is where Hailemariam Desalegn claims to be elected by the people. Therefore he
is accountable to the Ethnic Cleansing in that part of Ethiopia. The President
of that fiefdom Shiferaw Shigute another person that should be accountable for
this crime and we demand the Obama Administration not to give entry visa to this
criminal too.
We do believe that the solution to this problem is removing
the TPLF Mafia. That is the job of the Ethiopian people. We have been disunited
for more than twenty years. We are not there when our people needs us the most.
Those who are trying back home to do their best to expose the crime committed by
the regime can not stop crimes like Ethnic Cleansing because they can not Walk
the Talk.
Those far from home are only Talking but not Acting to change
the situation too. Let us stop “fight” among ourselves and earn respect and
support of the Ethiopian people by being their defenders. There is an Ethiopian
saying, ‘SewMalet SewMalet, Sew Yehonenew SewYeteffa Elet” meaning people who
are born into time of crisis and face the challenge to lead their people to
freedom are heroes to the people. We are still looking for such Ethiopians more
than any time in our history.
From left: Hailemariam Desalegn and Shiferaw
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